Find If Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp

In order to maintain the privacy of its users, WhatsApp does not provide an official way to find out whether someone has blocked you on WhatsApp. However, there are certainly some indicators that can suggest whether or not someone has indeed Blocked you on WhatsApp. Without further delay, let us take a look at some of the ways to find out whether or not Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp.

1. Check WhatsApp “Last Seen” of Your Contact

In general, when anyone blocks you in WhatsApp you will not be able to see his/her “Last seen” time. As you can see in the image below, WhatsApp “Last Seen” indicates the last time your Contact was active or online on WhatsApp. This can provide a clue, in case you find that your Contact is active on WhatsApp and still not responding to your Messages.

  So let us go ahead and try to take a look at WhatsApp “Last Seen” status of the Contact that you believe has blocked you on WhatsApp.

  1. Open WhatsApp on your iPhone or Android Phone. 2. Next, tap on the Chats tab located at the bottom of the screen (in case of iPhone) and top of the screen (in case of Android Phones)

3. On the Chats Screen, tap on the Conversation of the Contact that you believe has blocked you on WhatsApp.

  1. On the Contact’s Chat screen, the Last Seen Time will be available right under the Name of your Contact (See image below).

This Contact of yours may have blocked you on WhatsApp, in case you are quite used to seeing the Last Seen Time for this Contact and now this information has suddenly gone missing. However, you need to be aware that WhatsApp provides an option to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen information. It is quite possible that this Person has decided to Hide WhatsApp Last Seen stamp due to privacy concerns. Note: You won’t be able to see WhatsApp “Last Seen” status of others, in case you have disabled WhatsApp Last seen in your WhatsApp Account.

2. Take a Look At Profile Picture of Your WhatsApp Contact

The second method of finding if someone has blocked you on WhatsApp is to take a look at WhatsApp Profile Picture of the person that you suspect has blocked you on WhatsApp. In case the Profile Picture of this person appears not to have been updated, it provides a reason to suspect that this person may have blocked you on WhatsApp. However, it is also possible that this Contact of yours may have been busy or lost interest in being active on WhatsApp. Hence, a profile Picture which has not been updated for a long time does not conclusively prove that the Contact has blocked you on WhatsApp. A good way to confirm this fact would be to find someone who is a Common Friend of you and the person that you believe has blocked you on WhatsApp. In case your common friend agrees, you can use the WhatsApp Account of your common friend to take a look at the Profile Picture of the person that you believe has blocked you in WhatsApp. You can conclude that you have been blocked on WhatsApp, in case you can clearly see that the Profile Picture of the person appears updated and active when it is viewed from your friends WhatsApp Account, while it appears not at all updated when viewed from your own WhatsApp Account.

3. Send WhatsApp Message

Another good way to find whether Someone has blocked you on WhatsApp is to send a WhatsApp Message to the person that you believe has blocked you in WhatsApp and observe the Check Marks on the Sent Message.

  1. Send a WhatsApp Text Message to the person that you believe has blocked you on WhatsApp.
  2. After the Message is sent, start watching for the Check Marks on the Sent Message (See image below).

When you see the first Check Mark, it just confirms that your Message has been sent from your phone. A second Check Mark confirms that your Message has been received by the recipient’s phone, which means that you have not been blocked on WhatsApp.

  1. Keep an eye on the Check Marks. When those Check Marks turn Blue, it confirms that your Contact has seen your Message. Once you see the Check Marks turn Blue, you can safely assume that your Contact has not blocked you on WhatsApp. It is possible that your Contact is extremely busy in life and does not have the time to respond back to Messages. However, if you see One Check Mark on the sent Message and you do not see the second Check Mark, it is a good indication that this Contact of yours has blocked you on WhatsApp. Tip: You can also take a look at your past messages sent to this Contact and see what the check marks looked like.

4. Make WhatsApp Call To Your Contact

Now that you do have a fairly good sense of whether or not you have been blocked on WhatsApp, it is time to confirm this by making a WhatsApp Call to this Contact of yours. Make a WhatsApp Call to the Person that you suspect has blocked you in WhatsApp and closely observe as to what is happening when you are trying to Call this person. Do you feel that your Calls are not going through to this Contact of yours? This is another good signal that you may have been blocked on WhatsApp. At this stage, the only benefit of doubt that you can give to this Contact of yours is that his/her phone might be broken.

5. ADD Contact To WhatsApp Group

A fairly reliable way to find If Someone Has Blocked You on WhatsApp is to Add the person to a WhatsApp Group. For this purpose, you can create a New WhatsApp Group and try adding this person to the Group. In case the person has blocked you on WhatsApp you won’t be able to add this person to WhatsApp Group and you will see “Could Not Add Contact” Error Message on your Phone.


When viewed in isolation, none of the above methods can confirm for sure that Someone has indeed Blocked you on WhatsApp. However, you should be able to use a combination of above methods to reach a logical conclusion about whether or not you have been Blocked On WhatsApp. For example, your sent WhatsApp Message to this Contact having only one Tick Mark, combined with WhatsApp Calls not going through and inability to add this Person to a Contact Group is a strong indication of being Blocked By Someone on WhatsApp.

How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 37How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 71How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 39How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 52How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 97How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 69How to Find if Someone Has Blocked You On WhatsApp - 85